International dream houses where vacation living gets personal.This story is part of our collection of villa vacation inspiration. If these walls could talk, they would tell origin stories of Moroccan kings, British novelists, and Austro-Hungarian aristocrats. They would show off their backyard swimming coves and stables of Andalusian horses.
(Mongolia) Crookes And Jackson, (Dakar) Tim White, (Chile) Nils Schlebusch, (Hudson Valley) Storm King Art Center, (Yellowstone) Brown W. Cannon III/Intersection Photos, (Stockholm) Getty Images, (Southern Italy) Patrick Locqueneux, (West Papua) Stevie Mann, (Zanzibar) Dan Kullberg A guide to chasing new horizons in the year ahead.A new year is a beautiful thing for devoted travelers: A blank calendar begs to be inked with departures to parts unknown. At Virtuoso, we’re on the case, polling our travel advisors and industry contacts for their on-the-rise, get-there-first vacation spots that deserve a slot on 2025 agendas.
Out and about in France’s second-largest city.More than 2,600 years ago, Phocaean sailor Protis traversed the Mediterranean in search of land on which to build a new city. As legend has it, his arrival at Lacydon cove coincided with a party where a local Celto-Ligurian girl, Gyptis, was choosing her husband. She picked the handsome foreign explorer, and their nuptials laid the foundation for Massalia.